The Enchanting Beauty of Blue Moonstone

Discovering the Mystical Properties and Uses of Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone is a unique and enchanting gemstone that has mesmerized people for centuries. It is a variety of the mineral feldspar and is known for its iridescent blue sheen that glimmers in the light. This gemstone has been used for both decorative and spiritual purposes, and its mystical properties have made it a popular choice for jewelry and healing practices. In this article, we will explore the history, properties, and uses of blue moonstone.

History and Origins of Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. It was first discovered in Sri Lanka, where it was believed to have been formed from moonbeams that fell to the earth. The ancient Romans and Greeks also valued moonstone and believed that it was connected to the lunar goddesses. In India, it was considered a sacred gemstone and was often used in spiritual practices and rituals.

Today, blue moonstone is found in several countries, including Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Tanzania, and the United States. It is a relatively rare gemstone, and its unique blue color is caused by the presence of tiny inclusions of the mineral albite.

Properties of Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone is a member of the feldspar family and has a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale. It has a translucent to opaque appearance and is known for its iridescent blue sheen, which is caused by the scattering of light within the stone. The color of blue moonstone can vary from pale blue to a deep, almost navy blue.

Blue moonstone is also known for its mystical properties. It is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, promote emotional balance and harmony, and provide protection during spiritual practices. It is often used in meditation and is associated with the throat chakra, which is believed to be the center of communication and self-expression.

Uses of Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone is a popular choice for jewelry, and its unique beauty makes it a standout gemstone. It is often used in necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings, and is a popular choice for engagement rings. Its mystical properties also make it a popular choice for healing practices, and it is often used in crystal hot sauce healing and meditation.

Blue moonstone is also believed to have several physical healing properties. It is believed to help with hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and menstrual problems. It is also believed to provide relief from stress and anxiety and promote restful sleep.

Crystals are often used in conjunction with blue moonstone in healing practices. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are just a few of the crystals that are often used with blue moonstone to amplify its healing properties.

Caring for Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone is a relatively soft gemstone and should be treated with care. It is sensitive to heat and chemicals, so it should be cleaned with mild soap and water and stored away from direct sunlight. It is also important to avoid wearing blue moonstone jewelry while performing strenuous activities or while swimming or showering.


Blue moonstone is a unique and enchanting gemstone that has captivated people for centuries. Its mystical properties and unique beauty make it a popular choice for both decorative and spiritual purposes. Whether you are looking for a piece of jewelry that stands out or a gemstone that can enhance your spiritual practices, blue moonstone is a gemstone worth exploring.